Dr. Anat Herbst-Debby
Dr. Anat Herbst-Debby specialize in a number of research fields: gender aspects of welfare policies; gender aspects of the social security system; old-age pensions; families undergoing change; motherhood and adolescent employment. In the past decade, her scientific work has focused on inequality within four main areas: welfare-to-work programs and mothers’ employment; family changes, divorce and inequality; adolescent employment and old-age pension rights.
First, she investigated mothers in welfare-to-work programs, which seek to deepen the integration of women into the paid labor market. The target population of the specific program she examined is mothers from socio-economically vulnerable groups, most of whom have been outside the paid labor market for long periods of time, have never been integrated in the market, or have been partially or temporarily integrated. The main target groups of this program are mothers falling into the following ethnic categories: immigrants from the former Soviet Union (mainly, from the Caucasus, Uzbekistan and Bukhara), immigrants from Ethiopia, Israeli-Palestinians and Mizrachi women (veteran Israeli Jews who are first- or second-generation immigrants from Asia and North Africa).
Second research project deals with inequality and divorce, examining the relation between various aspects of family life and inequality. The importance of this study is that, in many parts of the world, especially in countries considered economically developed, the traditional structure of the family unit has been facing new challenges. These include increased labor-market participation of women in general, and mothers in particular; the expansion of women’s academic education; rising divorce rates; and changes in the structure of the family.
A third research project she is currently working on deals with gender aspects of pension rights, for which she won an Impact grant for the study. A fourth area of research that she is currently working on is adolescent employment in the context of family change, she won a grant from the Israel Science Foundation for this project.
Research grants in the last 5 years:
Impact Center Grant old age and aging, Bar Ilan University. The gendered pension system, multidimensional Analysis. |
2020 |
ISF (Israeli Science Foundation). Parental divorce or loss, adolescent employment, and later life outcomes. |
2019 |
The Humanities and Social Sciences Fund Conference. Vulnerabilities in old age: Aspects of social and economic security, pension reforms and Long Term Care. |
2019 |
Rector's Grant - Bar Ilan University for an interdisciplinary research group. Families undergoing change. |
2019 |
Research Authority Tel Aviv-Yafo Academic College. Inequality and family change. |
2017 |
Bar-Ilan University - outstanding lecturer.
Gender aspects of welfare policies
Gender aspects of the social security system
Families undergoing change
Old age pensions
Adolescent employment
Gender and the welfare state
Annual seminar: Family Studies
Policy Paper Writing, lobbying, and rais founding
Motherhood and feminism
The care deficit from a gender perspective
Articles in Refereed Journals
Kaplan, A., Herbst-Debby, A., Endeweld, M. & Achouche, N. (2023) Stratified patterns of adolescent employment and their relation to educational attainment, Journal of Youth Studies, DOI: 10.1080/13676261.2022.2156780
Herbst-Debby, A. Majadly, B. and Barzilai-Lumbroso, R. (2022). Journey to liberation: Israeli-Palestinian women living in Tel Aviv-Jaffa. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 45(14), 2749-2769.
Soskolne, V., & Herbst-Debby, A. (2022). Health and psychological distress implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for single mothers in Israel. Journal of Family Studies, 1-17.
Herbst-Debby, A (2022). (De)Legitimization of Single Mothers’ Welfare Rights: United States, Britain and Israel. Journal of European Social Policy. 32(3) 302–316.
Endeweld, M., Herbst-Debby, A., & Kaplan, A. (2022). Do the Privileged Always Win? Economic Consequences of Divorce by Income and Gender Groups. Social Indicators Research, 159(1), 77-100.
Meler, T., Herbst-Debby, A., & Sabbah Karkabi, M. (2022). Economic Abuse of Palestinian Mothers in Israel: The Case of Participants in a Welfare-to-Work Program. Violence Against Women, 28(9), 2122-2144.
Herbst-Debby, A., Karkabi-Sabbah, M. & Meler, T. (2022). Palestinian mothers in Israel: Can a welfare-to-work program enhance their social capital? Current Sociology. 70(1) 42-60.
Herbst-Debby, A., Endeweld, M., & Kaplan, A. (2021). Differentiated routes to vulnerability: Marital status, children, gender and poverty. Advances in Life Course Research, 100418.
Herbst-Debby, Anat & Orly Benjamin (2020). Changing Gendered Moral Rationalities among Israeli Welfare-to-Work Participants. Community, Work and Family. 23(1), 44-61.
Herbst-Debby, A., Meler, T., & Karkabi-Sabbah, M. (2019). 'Deserving and ‘responsible’ motherhood': Palestinian motherhood in Israel and welfare-to-work programs. Society and welfare, 39(1), 49-79. (Hebrew).
Herbst-Debby, A. (2019). The Economically Responsible Single Mom who Sees to her Future: Welfare-to-Work Programs and Pension Savings. Journal of Social Policy. Journal of Social Policy, 48(3), 489-510.
Herbst-Debby, A. (2019). The ‘Proper and moral’ single mother and ‘welfare to work’ Social Security 107, 79-108. (Hebrew).
Herbst-Debby, A. (2018). Doing Good Motherhood: Creating Their own Responsible Single Mother Model. Women’s Studies International Forum, 69, 151-158.
Herbst-Debby, A. & Kaplan, A. (2018). Love in Times of Crisis: Gendered Aspects of Education, Employment, and Divorce. Megamot (Hebrew).
Herbst-Debby, A. & Kaplan, A. (2018). Fragile Autonomy: The Implications of Divorce on Mothers’ Earnings Following Welfare Policy Changes. Social Security Journal (Hebrew).
Herbst-Debby, A. & Benjamin, O. (2018). Low-income Mothers in an Israeli Welfare-to-Work Program: Symbolic Violence and its Limitations. International Sociology, 33(1): 45-63.
Kaplan, A. & Herbst-Debby, A. (2018). Fragile Employment, Liquid Love: Employment Instability and Divorce in Israel. Population and Policy Review, 37(1): 1-31.
Kaplan, A. & Herbst-Debby, A. (2017). Mixed-Ethnicity Marriages and Marital Dissolution in Israel. Journal of Israeli History, 36(2), 291-312.
Herbst, A. & Kaplan, A. (2016). Mothers’ Post-divorce Earnings in the Context of Welfare Policy Change. International Journal of Social Welfare, 25 (3): 222-234.
Herbst, A. & Benjamin, O. (2016). Between Activation and Supporting Women: Alternative Operation of Welfare-to-Work Programs. Journal of Social Policy and Administration, 50 (5): 501-519.
Kaplan, A. & Herbst, A. (2015) Stratified Patterns of Divorce: Earnings, Education and Gender. Demographic Research. 32: 949-982.
Herbst, A. (2013). The Legitimacy of Single Mothers in Israel
Examined through Five Circles of Discourse. Israel Studies Review. 28 (2): 228-246.
Herbst, A. (2013). Welfare Mom as Warrior Mom: Discourse in the 2003 Single Mothers’ Protest in Israel. Journal of Social Policy, 42 (1): 129-145.
Herbst, A. (2012). Discourse of Need: The Case of Child Support (Payment Assurance). Women’s Studies International Forum. 35 (4) 214-222.
Herbst, A. & Gez, Y. (2012). From “Crime of Passion” to “Love Does Not Kill”: The Murder of Einav Rogel and the Role of Women’s Organizations in the Construction of Violence against Women in Israel. Israel Studies,17 (2): 129-155.
Herbst, A. & Benjamin, O. (2012). It was a Zionist Act: Nationalism, Citizenship and Welfare Policy in Israeli Feminist Mobilization. Women’s Studies International Forum, 35: 29-37.
Herbst, A. (2011). This is the State Defending the Woman & Offspring Abandoned and Neglected by the Husband-Father. In: Margalit Shilo & Gideon Katz (eds.), Studies of the Re-emerging State, special issue, 651-681 (Hebrew).
Herbst, A. (2009) “We Support the Single Parent Families Law, Poor Things”: The Single Parent Family Law – A Survey. Social Security, 80: 25-58 (Hebrew).
The article appeared again in the course reader: Welfare State: Citizenship, Rights and Division of Resources (2011). Ra’anana: Open University.
It also appeared in the book and course: Social Security (2011). Ra’anana: Open University.
Articles in Books
Herbst-Debby, A., Kaplan, A. & Endeweld, M. (Forthcoming). Economic Resources After Divorce: Family Income and Housing in the Wake of Welfare Reform. International Handbook of Family Policy: A Life-Course Perspective Oxford University Press. Co-edited by Mary Daly, Birgit Pfau-Effinger, Neil Gilbert, and Douglas Besharov.
Kaplan, A., Endeweld, M., & Herbst-Debby, A. (2020). The More the Merrier? The Effect of Children on Divorce in a Pronatalist Society. In Divorce in Europe (pp. 123-143). Springer, Cham.
Herbst-Debby, A. & Foigel-Bijoui, S. (2020). Building spaces of care, compassion, and Westernization: Maternalism and the establishment of the social work profession in the Yishuv in Palestine, 1912-1948. In: John Gal & Roni Holler (Eds.), Not Charity but Justice: Chapters in the Development of Social Work in Israel. Ben Gurion University of the Negev (Hebrew).
Herbst, A. (2010). The National Motherly Discourse versus the Leeching Discourse: The Protest of the Single Mothers, 2003. In: Chana Katz & Erez Tzfadia (Eds.), Abandoning State, Supervising State: Social Policy in Israel, 1985-2008 (pp. 211-231). The Western Negev: Sapir Academic College (Hebrew).
Swirski, S., Kraus, V., Konor-Atias, E. & Herbst, A. (2007). Single Mothers in Israel. In: Matat Adar Bonis (Ed.), Families: A Sociological and Anthropological Perspective (pp. 208-237). Ra’anana: Open University (Hebrew).
Other Publications
Herbst-Deby, E., Kaplan, Endeweld, M. (2021). Mobilization of adolescents and young adults in the context of family changes. Jerusalem: National Insurance.
Herbst, Anat (2015). Women of Valor: Program to Promote the Employment of Women. Research Report. Jerusalem: The National Insurance Institute.
Swirski, Shlomo, Vered Kraus, Etty Konor-Attias & Anat Herbst (2003). Solo Mothers in Israel. Tel Aviv: Adva Center.
Swirski, Barbara, & Anat Herbst (2003). Gender Aspects in Allocations for the Handicapped. Tel Aviv: Adva Center. (Hebrew).
Last Updated Date : 26/02/2023