ד"ר אורית גן
משפט, קולנוע ומגדר
קורות חיים
Sapir College. Phone: +972-523988107. Email: ganorit@mail.sapir.ac.il
Bar-Ilan University, The Gender Studies Program, Israel
Ph.D., 2009
Thesis: |
“Duress in Contract Law – From a Defect in the Bargaining Process to Inequality of Bargaining Power” |
Supervisor: |
Prof. Shahar Lifshitz |
Awards: |
Doctoral Fellowship of Excellence, Bar-Ilan University, 2006-2009 Naamat Gender Studies Doctoral Fellowship, 2007 |
Duke University, Durham, NC
LL.M., Duke University School of Law, 2001
Activities: |
Duke Journal of Gender Law and Policy, Staff Editor, 2001-2002 Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law, Staff Editor, 2001-2002 |
Graduate Certificate in Women's Studies, Women's Studies at Duke University, 2002
Tel Aviv University, The Buchmann Faculty of Law, Israel
LL.M., 1999
Awards: |
Yoseph Samuel Scholarship, 1998 |
LL.B., 1996
Sapir College, School of Law, Israel
Tenure, 2019
Senior Lecturer, 2018-current
Disciplinary Judge, 2017-curent
Outstanding Teacher Award, 2017 and 2023
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, The Gender Studies Program, Israel
Adjunct, 2012-current
Bar-Ilan University, The Gender Studies Program, Israel
Adjunct, 2016-current
Loyola University New Orleans College of Law
Visiting Adjunct Faculty Member, 2022
University of Sydney Law School, Sydney, NSW
Visiting Professor, 2018
Peres Academic Center, School of Law, Israel
Lecturer, 2015-2016
Zefat Academic College, School of Law, Israel
Lecturer, 2013-2015
The College of Management, The Haim Striks School of Law, Israel
Adjunct, 2014
Columbia Law School, New York, NY
Visiting Scholar, 2010-2012
Meitar, Liquornik, Geva & Leshem Brandwein Law Offices
Intern, 1996-1997
Law Review Articles:
- Contract Law, Equality and the State, Clev. St. L. Rev. (forthcoming 2024)
- The Arbitration Debate: A Tale of Two Contract Cities, Ohio St. J. on Disp. Resol. (forthcoming 2024)
- Nonmarital Contract Law, 76 Rutgers Uni. L. Rev. (forthcoming 2024)
- Spousal Agreements and Patriarchal Bargains: A Wife’s Guarantee of Her Husband’s Business Debts, 18 Eur. Rev. Contract L. 175 (2022)
- I Dissent: Justice Ginsburg's Profound Dissents, 74 Rutgers Uni. L. Rev. 1037 (2022)
- A Feminist Economic Perspective on Contract Law: Promissory Estoppel as an Example, 28 Mich. J. Gender & L. 1 (2021)
- Spousal Agreements and Patriarchal Bargains, 34 Bar Ilan Law Studies (forthcoming 2021)(Heb.)
- Trading the Gett: Between Contractual Right and Inalienability, 32 Bar Ilan Law Studies 787 (2020)(Heb.)
- Anti-Stereotyping Theory and Contract Law, 42 Harv. J. L. & Gender 83 (2019)
- The Many Faces of Contractual Consent, 65 Drake L. Rev. 615 (2017)
- The Justice Element of Promissory Estoppel, 89 St. John's L. Rev. 55 (2015)
- Contractual Duress and Relations of Power, 36 Harv. J. L. & Gender 171 (2013)
- Promissory Estoppel: A Call for a More Inclusive Contract Law, 16 J. Gender, Race & Justice 47 (2013)
- Third Party Consent to Search: Analyzing Triangular Relations, 19 Duke J. Gender L. & Pol'y 303 (2012)
Other Publications:
- What Does Sex Have to do with Contract?, JOTWELL (May 29, 2023) (reviewing Albertina Antognini & Susan Frelich Appleton, Sexual Agreements, 99 Wash. L. Rev. 1807 (2022)), https://contracts.jotwell.com/what-does-sex-have-to-do-with-contract/.
- The Impact of Arbitration Clauses, JOTWELL (July 20, 2022) (reviewing Farshad Ghodoosi & Monica M. Sharif, Arbitration Effect (Jan. 26, 2022), available at SSRN), https://contracts.jotwell.com/the-impact-of-arbitration-clauses/.
- Gendered Culture and Pricing Bias, JOTWELL (June 15, 2021) (reviewing Renée B. Adams, Roman Kräussl, Marco A. Navone, and Patrick Verwijmeren, Gendered Prices (Dec. 10, 2020), available at SSRN), https://contracts.jotwell.com/gendered-culture-and-pricing-bias/.
- Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Encyclopedia Hebrica (forthcoming)(Heb.)
Conference Lectures:
- Nonmarital Contract Law: Fifth Roundtable on Nonmarriage and the Law, Rutgers Law School, Newark, New Jersey (9/2023)
- Contract Law, Equality and the State: Obligations X: Private Law and the State, Banff, Alberta, Canada (7/2023)
- The Arbitration Debate: A Tale of Two Contract Cities: 13th Annual Conference of the Israeli Private Law Association, Bar-Ilan University (5/2023)
- The Arbitration Debate: A Tale of Two Contract Cities: 16th Annual International Conference on Contracts, Texas A&M University School of Law, Fort Worth, Texas (3/2023)
- Suing a Dating Agency for Misrepresentation: When Love is Translated into Damages: Law Love & Money Workshop, University of Technology, Sydney (11/2022)
- Spousal Agreements and Patriarchal Bargains: A Wife’s Guarantee of Her Husband’s Business Debts: Society of European Contract Law: Family and Person in Contracting in Europe (6/2021)
- Fifth Israeli Contract Law Forum, Zefat Academic College (conference organizing committee) (6/2021)
- Feminist Economic Perspectives on Contract Law: Promissory Estoppel as an Example: 15th Annual International Conference on Contracts, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law, Sacramento, California (2/2020)
- Deniz Kandiyoti: Bargaining with Patriarchy, Bargaining with husbands: Annual Conference of Gender Studies Programs in Israel, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (2/2018)
- Anti-Stereotyping Theory and Contract Law: ClassCrits X, Tulane University School of Law, New Orleans (11/2017)
- Divorce in Israel 2017: Between Changes and Tradition, Sapir Academic College (6/2017) (Conference Organizer with Yad Laisha)
- The Annual Conference of the Israeli Private Law Association (6/2017)(commentator)
- Trading The Get: The Problem That Has No Name And Why Contract Law Is Not The Solution: Annual Law and Society Conference, Netanya Academic College (2/2017) and Annual Conference of Gender Studies Programs in Israel, Tel-Aviv University (3/2017)
- Gett Abuse: 12th International Conference on Contracts, Southwestern Law School, Los Angeles (2/2017)
- The Many Faces of Contractual Consent: 11th International Conference on Contracts, St. Mary's University School of Law, San Antonio, Texas (2/2016)
- The Justice Element of Promissory Estoppel: 10th International Conference on Contracts, William S. Boyd School of Law, UNLV (2/2015)
- Duress Law from a Feminist Perspective: Annual Conference of the Israeli Center for Qualitative Research of People and Societies, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (2/2008)
- Duress in Spousal Agreements – A Feminist Analysis: Annual Conference on Discourse and Gender in Israel, Bar-Ilan University (1/2007)
Other Presentations:
- The Arbitration Debate: A Tale of Two Contract Cities, Private Law Research Group
National University of Singapore (4/2023) - Things I learned from RBG: In memory of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sapir College (1/2021)
- An Introduction to Feminist Analysis of Contract Law, in Critical Perspectives on the 1L Curriculum, sponsored by Yale Law Women (with Ian Ayres) (11/2020)
- Contract Law According to Seinfeld, Sapir College (5/2019)
- Anti-Stereotyping Theory and Contract Law, The University of Sydney Law School (9/2018)
- Spousal Agreements and Patriarchal Bargains, Family Law Workshop, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Faculty of Law (6/2018)
- Anti-Stereotyping Theory and Contract Law, Private Law Theory – HFN Workshop, Tel Aviv University, The Buchmann Faculty of Law (4/2017)
Israel Bar Association, 1997
- תיאוריות פמיניסטיות של המשפט
- משפט וחברה (תרבות וקולנוע)
- דיני חוזים
- תיאוריות של דיני חוזים
משפט, קולנוע ומגדר; שוויון, משפט ומגדר: דילמות ואתגרים; נשים במשפט.
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 01/03/2024